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Hello Welcome to the portfolio
of Daniele De Pietri

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2019 Aboca company museum For the interactive museum experience designed by Dotdotdot studio I produced two different motion design pieces, writing some scripts to be executed inside Adobe After Effects.


adobe script


2019 Cognitive training app Studies have shown how people with neurological disorders can benefit from exercising their cognitive abilities. But there are usually limitations on the physical availability of trained doctors that care for the patients in person and evaluate their progress. We collaborated with a no-profit organization to develop an app that connects patients to their doctors so they can monitor the activity.


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2020 Generative light waterfall Before the pandemic hit, an immersive experience designed by Dotdotdot studio was going to be set in a roman archeological site. During the visit, a waterfall of light particles coded in Processing, would be projected where millennia ago the water once flew. In this page you can spot some of the "happy accidents" born during the coding of the motion graphic.



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2018 Kinect energy game Inside a historic hydroelectric powerplant, Dotdotdot studio designed an interactive journey across the building. I produced the user interface and its assets for a game where visitors are encouraged to move their bodies, while seeing their own speed of movement inside a depth map processed by a Microsoft Kinect. Moving our own bodies create energy, and you can visualize roughly how much of it we produce at any given moment.



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2016 Réz-story Thesis I wanted to focus my thesis project on my hometown, Reggio Emilia, a medium italian city full of history. After some considerations on the state of social media and innovative museum experiences, I set as main goal of the project to keep alive the local history by curating a web publication which leveraged social media to dialogue, collaborate with and promote historical and neighborhood associations. Especially it used the Twitter platform to position stories and content around the city.



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2020 - PERSONAL PROJECT REW game & controller I wanted to dive into P5.js so I rewrote a game I developed in a Processing course at university. I added new capabilities and imagined a controller for the game. To stay true to the game's theme I used an old music cassette as the controller in reminescence of when we would stick a pencil to rewind its tape. So I connected its wheels to an Arduino which then uses node.js to talk to the browser. You can try it in the browser from the Github link, it can have performance issues.



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2020 - PERSONAL PROJECT First Mars calendar During the pandemic I picked a project that would be a good exercise to learn new things. I created this web-app which uses the Vue framework and lets you scroll through all the Mars' 668 sols. It calls the NASA APIs to get the rovers' pictures, applying to them a dithering effect (You can't waste ink on Mars). It shows other vital information: a Mars - Earth - Sun system rendered with Three.js which shows positions and window of opportunities for one-way trips. And an explorable Mars topographic map using the D3 library. Still working on it, works better on Chrome.




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2018 Al cép selvatic Brand & website I designed for my friend Simone an identity that could convey his love for raw materials and the handmade style of his wood creations. So I designed his logo and logotype trying to leave the computer refinements as the last step. The logo was realized with a linocut incision, while the logotype was drawn first on paper with a self-built colapen. Then we created a website to showcase his creations' portfolio.


html + CSS

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2018 Heartbreak Surfboards Brand My friend Alex makes custom handmade surfboards and is currently trying to make a living out of his passion, surfing. I have been helping him for a few years and that helped me to design his logo in a way that reflects his philosophy and his style. This last version of the logo ditches the clean vectorial shapes, and instead displays the mural I painted in his laboratory.



2020 - PERSONAL PROJECT WebGL SketchesI'm still on the path to learn webGL, so I try to follow the online tutorials i find the most interesting.

